Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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who jinxed Ohlendorf ?????

OK< Ohlendorf's been having a better year, but Monday he gets hammered -- two HRs in one inning, and 5 runs in 5 innings with 3 walks. by the way, did u know that was the first game ever in major league history that both starting pitchers were named Ross? Ohlendorf and Detwiler.

Re: who jinxed Ohlendorf ?????

Les, really?.wow..

Re: who jinxed Ohlendorf ?????

I get his win with a line like that but don't get the Richmond win after he throws a great game. Funny how this game works sometimes

Re: who jinxed Ohlendorf ?????

Zito pitches a 2ER CG and Shields pitches 8+ shut out innings for no wins this week. Wins can be very hard to come by at times. It all evens out, Broxton has gotten a W every save he blew this year.