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______________2008 - 2018______________

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thought for next year

It seems to me we undervalue the QS. Counting it the same as a K or INN really does not make it a difference maker in how good the SPs day was. With max of 8 starts, you can offset a week with 1 QS vs 8 QS with one swing of the bat.

Re: thought for next year

The quality start can be looked at a couple of ways. Some (not just our league, but fantasy players in general) say the QS isn't a good category at all and others think it is a good category.
Personaly I like it. It's been at one point since we started the league. After I read your post I decided to look at the past years SPs scoring and see how the QS category has been doing.
Last year J.Santana led with 28, Lincecum had 26. So I took the top 10 SPs and added one more point per QS to see how the top 10 would look. It didn't change the top 10, only thing that changed was Santana from 5th to 4th. Burnett dropped to 5th.

Then I went and checked all 12 OGBL teams for QS year-to-date. Top team has 48 while lowest amount is 28. If it were two points per QS it would mean the top team would have 96 QS points and the lowest team would have 56 QS points instead of 48 and 28 each.
By changing it to two points it would increase the top teams lead over the bottom team by 20 points through the first 6+ weeks.

It's something to look into this off season, once all the '09 stats become final.