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______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Another thought for next year

Jimi, I don't know how possible this is but it would be cool IMO if teams could trade lesser ranked players without any formalities (league vote). Although I haven't seen a trade in 2 years or want to much myself, it would be nice to trade, say, players NOT ranked in the top 100(?) on a one-for-one basis without league approval.

You probably saw by the chatter I needed a catcher at the last second since CBS wouldn't recognize Ianetta as on the DL (even though they reported it as such) and had to cut a guy I didn't want too. A nice trade was proposed to me for a backup catcher for my backup 2nd baseman in a perfectly ranked trade but it's just not something we could ever do without several days notice because of league voting.

Anyhow, just a thought for these stop-gap situations when holes need to be filled involving guys not named Pujols.

Just to be clear I'm in favor of voting on top-tier and multi-player trades but I would like to see some flexibility for second or third tier guys. Anyone else?

Re: Another thought for next year

Kelly, I understand your problem and in the rare situation like you had it makes sense. However, I am so much in favor of a league that has no trades what so ever to keep any chance of cronieism (I know that is spelled wrong)from wrecking the trust we all have in each other. We have 12 teams and in some positions we don't carry back ups, but there are is a whole bundle of back ups available because of so many major league teams. The guy who was smart enough to have limped along with Mauer and a back up catcher shouldn't be penalized because I don't have a back up to VMArt since I am never going to set him. If he comes up with a serious hammy then I need to suck it up and look in the scrap heap for my catcher. Really sorry CBS put you in your problem !!

Re: Another thought for next year

Kelly, I understand what you are saying and it does make some sense. The problem I do see is how to go about ranking players and it could also cause a little confusion.
We have a 25 man roster with 15 hitters and 10 pitchers, this was designed so that we could carry enough reserves to have a backup at each position. Of course, this is an owners choice.

Kelly, your situation is unique as you are carrying an extra catcher in Wieters but he is in the minors and unavailable to use.
Starting next year we will be able to carry up to two minor league players that will not count as part of your 25 man roster. It will work the same as the DL now works.