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______________2008 - 2018______________

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PLUG deja vu and other thoughts

This is beginning to remind me of my first year in PLUG. I won 4 weeks, but never won more than one week in a year after that.

My guys have been absolutely on fire. Of course the way this league is set up peaking in May is likely to lead to a quick exit in the playoffs. As Jimi showed last year, timiming is everything and its September you want to be hot. Oh well ... it's fun while it lasts.

Re: PLUG deja vu and other thoughts

Yes Barry, your team is doing very well. What you say about being hot at the right time is true, but I see no reason you can't remain hot for the rest of the season.

As it is now, teams that win their divisions (along with the team with the best 2nd place record) receive byes the first week of the playoffs. This is a reward for having a good season.
Starting next season we will be using a handicap system that will help reward the teams with the best records even more. It will give the higher seeded teams point advantages for the playoffs.
It would be nice to have it this year but it will have to wait until the 2010 season.