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______________2008 - 2018______________

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High Point Week #8

The high point honors for week #8 goes to Big Red One. This is Barry's 3rd week in a row and 4th out of the last 5 weeks. I'd say that is quite a roll you're on. Congrats!

To win this week BRO had to come from behind by scoring 4 points in the 9th inning of the Sunday night game. BRO edged out the Yankee Doodles 333.33 to 333.00, getting the 4 points from his closer, who pitched in an 8-2, non save opp. situation.
It was a very exciting finish!

Re: High Point Week #8

I was cursing Torre for using him in a 38 pitch non-save earlier in the week so he missed LA's only save. This time the 4 point non-save saved my butt!

PS: I'm the only team with zero points as of 9:40 Monday.