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______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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no wonder i'm tired all the time !!

i have Lyme's Disease, causing fatigue, god-awful itching, and sore throat. my 22 year-old bitch-brat physician's assistant is treating it with amoxicillin. i hope she knows what she's doing.

Re: no wonder i'm tired all the time !!

My wife, son and dog had it at different times. They were treated with a different antibiotic but I doubt it matters which. It took about a month to feel better. In each case we had to self-diagnose because it is not something high on the list to test for.

Re: no wonder i'm tired all the time !!

Les, I sure hope that you're now heading to recovery. I know that it can't be fun living with the feeling of always being tired and run down.
As we get older, our health becomes our number one concern. So get well!!

Re: no wonder i'm tired all the time !!

Les...take care of yourself, your health is everything. Owning Hally should help but it is not a cure.

Re: no wonder i'm tired all the time !!

thanks for all the well-wishes. barry, i guess that's what they mean by "dog tired". ha ha. and, i am starting to feel better gradually. in the meantime it's a great excuse to not mow the lawn.