Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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I Beg to Differ

Jimi - u have Matt Holliday listed as the best hitting performance for week 9 with 37 points.

U forgot to notice my Ian Stewart with 41 points.

Unless u mean the best hitting performance not left on the bench to rot, then u r correct with Holliday. LOL

I wonder if that is the record for the most hitting points in a week that the idiot manager left on the bench. :-)

Re: I Beg to Differ

I doubt any manager in fantasy Baseball would of started him week #9. He scored 4 pts. week #7 and 6 for week #8.
This was the best week of his career, by far.

Re: I Beg to Differ

I agree Jimbo. What a fluke week for him.

Of course, I'm gonna start him this week. You know me, always looking for that lightning in a bottle. :-)