Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Never saw this before

"According to the Lynn Daily Item, Jonathan Papelbon has been fined $1,000 by Major League Baseball for violating pace-of-game guidelines.
Impact: Pitchers are allotted two minutes five seconds to get situated on the mound during local television broadcasts. Papelbon reportedly took 3:34 to accomplish the task on Wednesday night against the Yankees"

Re: Never saw this before

Guess we never seen it before because it was never violated so bad before.

Re: Never saw this before

Gee,$1000,I'm sure that will hurt.

Re: Never saw this before

In golf it's a 2 stroke penalty which can mean hundreds of thousands to someone at the top of the leaderboard & more than a thousand to guys at the bottom.1st time I've heard this in BB tho.