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______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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I've been AWOL for the last 2 nights for good reasons. Thursday nite I went to Citi field to see the Mets lose to the Phillies in extra inn. Last night, I went to the new Yankee stadium to see the first game of the subway series and got to see the "Luis Castillo" game; what an ending !!! I must say that both stadiums are beautiful. My friend came up all the way from Texas to see both stadiums with me. He's a Yankee fan like me and we had a fantastic time; we'll have memories to remember for a long time. Citi field is completely a pitcher's park and Yankee Stadium is the exact complete opposite; both are very unique in their own way. Had a great time and now I'll need the rest of this week-end to recuperate from so much excitement !

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Jose... all I can say is wow. For a lumbering guy to score on an infield pop up must have been more exciting than a triple. Maybe Jimi can give it 3 points.

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Now that sounds like a great time Jose. Two new parks in two days!!