Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Congrats to Natives for being the only team to break 300 last week. It sure was a rough week to score.

Re: 300+

There were actually two that broke 300. We don't want to leave out the high point week of America Roxx, who scored 325 points.
Congrats to both ARoxx and the Natives for a fine week #11.

Re: 300+

nothing wrong to coming in second to that Machine. Going to leave for Canada tomorrow morning and will be back Friday night. Take care all and no bushwacking the Natives.

Re: 300+

Oops! I missed ARoxx. ARoxx it is awful hoggy of you winning so many weeks. Give the other guys a chance.

Re: 300+

LOL good one Barry coming from the overall leader and high point week leader, as well.