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______________2008 - 2018______________

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Check The Schedule

Has anyone taken a look at the post season schedule? You will see that they open up on Wednesday, Oct. 7th. You might think that is somewhat normal, but it’s actually a week late in my opinion.
If you have already checked out the date for game #1 of the World Series you’ll see what I mean. Starting on Oct. 28, I’m sure it is the latest that it has ever started, including 2001, the 9/11 season. Game #3 is on Halloween night with game #4, #5, #6, and #7 all coming in November. Game #7 is scheduled for Nov. 5th in the AL park.
I have a problem with MLB pushing the season further into the colder weather. Playing 8:00 PM games on the east coast in Nov.? Teams that plan to make it there better think about ordering winter gear now, their gonna need it!
I hope MLB wakes up and thinks about it. There’s other, better ways to run Baseball. I’m conservative, somewhat of a traditionalist, but I do believe Baseball should do some reconstructing. One of the things I believe should happen is a shortened regular season. Take off 3 weeks (22 games), add 1 week, along with more teams to the playoffs. The WS would then conclude around the middle of Oct.
The added teams and TV revenue should be enough to offset the loss of 22 games, with non-playoff teams receiving something for the 11 or so home games they lost.
What does everyone else think about this year’s postseason schedule?

Re: Check The Schedule

I do agree with you as far as not playing in Nov.; it's just going to be too cold if they're playing it in NY, Boston or Detroit. I do not agree as far as putting more teams in playoffs; I think it dilutes the regular season too much. The one thing I like about baseball over basketball and hockey is that I look to those 2 sports' regular season as a prelude to their real season which is the playoffs; in other words, too many teams make the playoffs in those 2 sports. Baseball should cut their season to 154 games and either start earlier and/or play more doubleheaders (they could play day/night doubleheaders).

Re: Check The Schedule

Jimi... it is all about TV. When we all stop watching TV then sports can return to the days you and I remember. EXAMPLE.. Fifty years ago all college football games started at 2pm. When the schedule was announced you could plan your life to participate in whatever manner you wanted. If I was going to Columbus I could choose as to stay over and make a motel reservation a couple of months ahead of time, or invite friends for a down and back the same day and etc. etc. etc. Now that same football game can be moved by the TV networks (yes networks as there are several involved in who if any will be telacasting) We had 10 other people coming over to our apartment Saturday night for three tables of bridge. Pat and I cleaned the apartment on Friday so we had much of Saturday free. So I pick up the paper to see if Ohio State is the noon game or the three o'clock game. ZAM BANG the dam thing is a night game in Indiana and I don't get to watch any of it and the whole afternoon free to do NOTHING. Somehow, Jimi life is just not as good as it once was !

Re: Jose

Jose, I'd go for the 154 game schedule, it would shave a week off the season, which would help. But, don't expect the owners to do it as it means losing some home games without any way to recoup the funds.

As for the Baseball playoff picture. I understand how you feel about them and why you prefer that they not be expanded. But, you are an avid Baseball fan, not the casual fan who gets bored with the regular season and waits for the playoffs before he starts really watching it. The average and below average fans are more into games that have that do-or-die atmosphere, that's why March Madness does so well in the tv ratings.

Personally I was against the wild card when it started, but now I think it adds much more to the regular season games going down the stretch run. I feel adding two more wild card teams in each league would add that much more excitement to the final month of the regular season. More teams would be involved right up to the final weekend, then with the playoffs beginning the excitement can continue to build.

Re: Jose

Gotta go w/Jose on this one.Under no circumstances can you justify adding more teams to the playoffs.Reminds me of that TV show 8 is Enough.Also cut the season to 154 games which they wont do but I think you would have less injuries if guys had an occasional day off.

Re: Jose

We've covered this topic before but I definitely am against baseball in November. And it starts too soon also. The moment we expanded into places like Denver we should have moved the season up and I would like to see it end about a week sooner. Hockey and especially Basketball are way too long as well.

In this new era of no PED's, now would be a great time to take the emphasis off the personal stats and switch to that 150ish game season IMO.

As for more teams in the playoffs, I like the wildcard but don't want anymore in either. The trade deadline might get more exciting though :)