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______________2008 - 2018______________

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Notre Dame Sucks

Every week they get the calls,I don't watch them cause I cant stand them but Sat I happened to put that channel on with the score 22-20,Wash.had the ball on the 6 w/ about 5 min to go.they ran a play to the left & the guy got tripped up at the 1,his knee hit the ground about 1/2 yd short but the ball had broken the plane.Touchdown,but wait they are playing in So.Bend,let's review the play.They showed it about 5 times & the announcers said there is no way they can overturn the TD.then the ref says after reviewing the tape (with the N.D. faculty,students,priests,A.D.& the fans) he ruled that his knee hit the ground on the 1/2 yard line & that is where he spotted the ball.I guess the runner was carrying it on his knee.They suck.

Re: Notre Dame Sucks

College football isn't my passion but this shaped up to be a good game and I watched it too. That play was totally wrong but it didn't help Washington had 5 or 6 chances within a yard of the goal and never could get in. I can't believe the Pac-10 is beating each other up so bad, no undefeated teams left already..