Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Rollins ... worst leadoff on team

Why does Philly continue to lead off with Rollins and his .296 OBP? I doubt that is even league average much less good. Speed at the top is nice, but if the guy never is on base it does not help much.

After 650 ABs it ain't just a slow start! The guy should be batting 7th or 8th.

Re: Rollins

Your question is legit for 2009, but this just happens to be his worst season of his career. His OBP the past 5 years were .349, .344, .334, .338, and .348. I'm not sure what the league average for OBP is for leadoff hitters, I'm thinking his career .329 is a little below that. On some teams he would be batting 3rd, but not with Utley there.
Barry, I'm thinking you notice it more than the rest of us as he was one of your keepers on your team?