Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Last nights Yankee = Twins game was awful.The end result was good but Mauer's slice down the LF line that bounced into the seats was fair by 2' & the ump was only 20' from the play.Dont know how he could miss it unless he lost the ball in Melky's uniform.On the other side the plate umpire Meriwether had no idea where the strike zone was.He must have missed a dozen called strikes,the ones that were replayed were about 6" high or 6" outside.Batters started swinging at bad pitches which is why it was 1-1 after 7 innings.Meanwhile in Colorado we have snow.What happens if the Rockies keep winning & they play game 5 of the WS in Nov.Global warming,right.

Re: Umpires

I agree Ted. I seen that call on Mauer's hit and couldn't believe the ump missed it when he was right there. Isn't that why they bring in the extra 2 umps so they can better make those calls down the line?
And I've always thought that Meriweather was one of the worst umps in MLB.

Also, Ted, I got the check. Thanks