Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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burned out ?????

jim and guys -- i think i'm suffering from fantasy baseball burn out. partly induced by the lack of broadband internet access, the lack of MLB package on the Dish Network. but i find myself unable to keep up. It's really been fun with this new league Jim set up. I really appreciate the time it took to do that. And I've enjoyed all of you both baseball-wise and friend-wise, but I'd like to take this opportunity to bow out before I completely lose my interest. Thanks, Jim, for a great experience. Here's hoping there'll be a 12-way tie for first next year . . . you're all winners.

Re: burned out ?????

Les you and Val will be missed. You have been a loyal and faithful baseball friend. Here's wishing you the very best in everything that life can offer !!!

Re: burned out ?????

Les, this has taken me by somewhat of a surprise, but I do understand. I thank you and Val for being a part of PLUG, TBOS, TOGOS, and our current OGBL.
You'll be missed for sure. Take care and God Bless.

Re: burned out ?????

Les,Val you will definitely be missed.Tho we've never met I still feel like I'm missing a friend.I wish you both all the best.

Re: burned out ?????

Sorry to see u go, bud. Hope our paths cross again, real soon.

Re: burned out ?????

Miss you Les/Val. I burned out before and taking a year off did wonders. Hopefully, you will be back in 2011.