Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Off Season Trading

This off season OGBL owners will be able to make player trades. The trading period will begin sometime after we have determined the number of keepers we will be going with.
This will only involve players that owners intend to keep, why trade for players that will be in next years draft? It will give owners a chance to trade for a "favorite" player. Unlike our in-season trading rule, there will be no league voting required to have the trade approved. We've all been together long enough to know that there will be no collusion here.
Remember, to get a keeper, one will have to give up a keeper. All players that are traded MUST become keepers on the teams that acquired them.
I will announce the beginning and ending dates as well as how to make these trades shortly after we decide on the keeper number, which will take place during the World Series.

Re: Off Season Trading

How about folks that were waiver wire pickups? Our current rule is they can't be keepers. Does that still apply if they are traded? Not likely an issue if we stay at 3 keepers, but if we go to 6 or more it might be.

Re: Off Season Trading

Jeepers, who is Keepers??

No, all the players that were not drafted in the 2009 draft can not be kept and will be in the 2010 draft. So it wouldn't pay to trade for any player that wasn't drafted.
This rule was already in place when were did the 2009 draft, and can't be changed for the 2010 draft because some players were drafted and kept in '09 so that they would be eligible to be a keeper in '10. It wouldn't be fair to change a rule now.
If enough owners want to change this rule it can be altered for the 2011 draft, but must be done before the 2010 draft takes place so everyone knows that going into the draft.
I personally like it the way it is as it adds some strategy to the draft as well as some talent (most likely hot young players) to the following years draft.