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A Couple Changes for OGBL Rosters for 2010

The rosters will be expanding from 25 to 27 next season. Both spots will be pitchers, 1 will be an SP and 1 will be an RP. Our rosters will have 15 hitters (same as before), 12 pitchers. 10 SPs (up from 9), and 2 RPs (up from 1).
The addition of 1 SP will help provide owners with an extra choice each week and the added RP will act as a reserve on each team. Also, by adding 1 RP to each team it will make RPs much more valuable during the league draft as there will be 24 selected instead of 12, thus leaving only 6 free agent RPs instead of 18.

OGBL rosters will again have 3 slots for DL use, but we'll be adding 2 new slots for minor leaguers. Both DL and minor league slots can not be used until the season has begun (at earliest, during week #1)

Re: A Couple Changes for OGBL Rosters for 2010

I like the changes Jimi. But I don't know squat about minor leaguers, so I will have to brush up on that area. I really like the pitcher changes.

The only thing I can think of to change would be to let ALL players on rosters at the end of the yr be a keeper during the next draft. That would be more like how the real teams operate. Just a thought.

Re: OGBL Rosters for 2010 - Earl

Earl, thanks for your input. As for the minor league roster spots, you don't have to draft minor leaguers, although you can if you like. The spots are actually being added to help team owners keep a player if he happens to get sent back down during our season. If an owner wants to draft a player that most likely will start the season in the minors, that's ok too, as long as he knows that he can not place him on his minor league spot until the season is underway (at earliest, week #1).

The keeper rule that says a player must be drafted in the previous draft to be eligible to be a keeper can be changed for the 2011 season. I'll put it up for vote a little before our 2010 draft takes place. This way everyone knows what the rule will be going into the draft.

Re: OGBL Rosters for 2010 - Earl

Why the delay? I mean, you decided the rule change regarding the # of players can take place ASAP, why not the keeper rule? Am I missing something?

Re: Keeper Rule - Earl

Earl, the voting taking place now is to determine the amount of keepers. The voting to come later is to see if we change the rule that requires a player to be drafted to become a keeper. Since a rule change will not go into effect this year (for 2010 keepers) the voting will take place a little before the draft this spring.
Earl, check your e-mail for more on this.

Re: A Couple Changes for OGBL Rosters for 2010

I like changes, but you will need some specific rule on the ML slots. Since you had to draft the minor leaguer and can't use the ML slot until week 1, will that person be aloowed to be a "keeper" next year? Last year you would have had to keep him on active roster all year even if he did not come up until Sept. With the ML slots, you only have to "waste" the slot on the ML stud for one week to make him a possible 2011 keeper. I'm not sure I like that.

Re: To Barry

I really think questions like these are better suited to be asked by phone so they can be discussed in a conversation or by e-mail so as not to possibly cause confusion. It's kinda hard to understand exactly what you mean.
Barry, I will do my best to try an answer it though. First of all, a player needs to be drafted in order to be a keeper the following year. There is no rule saying he must be on your roster the whole season. True, if you release him it's unlikely you will re-acquire him, but you could. You can keep a player that you picked up during the season if he was drafted by another team, as long as he was drafted in that years draft.

The reason for the wait until week #1 is underway before DL and Minor League moves are allowed is mostly do to CBS and MLB teams. With the majority of the players they don't place them on their official DL until Opening Day, and many of the future stars are sent to the minors one day before the season starts. Also, I'm a believer in all OGBL teams starting the season with the same roster size. Once the season gets started then teams can start making all the moves they want, increasing their roster size up to 32 (3 DL, 2 ML) if they need to.
Drafting a minor leaguer and having him on your bench for one week will not hurt a teams chances that week, same with a player that is on the DL. There are plenty of reserve spots on our active rosters to allow for this.

I hope I answered your question. If you want to talk about this more please give me a call.