Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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My Vote

My Vote is for six keepers.
My computer will not let me get into the league, Jimi says probably for a couple of weeks.......so I will do my communicating on the Forum. The American Natives in a revolt against management have changed their name to 20th Maine.

Re: My Vote

Bob, your vote is in, although it won't be shown on the CBS poll until a later time.
Also, your new team name, 20th Maine, will be updated on our League Home once CBS is finished archiving the 2009 season.

Re: My Vote

20th Maine,a Volunteer Infantry Regiment. Commander Colonel Ames & Lt.Robert Oberlin were instrumental in the defense of Little Round Top at the 1863 Battle of Gettysburg.

Re: More on 20th Maine and Gettysburg

20th Maine

Gettysburg and Little Round Top

The most notable battle was the regiment's decisive role on July 2, 1863, in the Battle of Gettysburg, where it was stationed on Little Round Top at the extreme left of the Union line. When the regiment came under heavy attack from the Confederate 15th Alabama regiment, part of the division led by Maj. Gen. John Bell Hood, the 20th Maine completely ran out of ammunition after three to four hours of continued fighting; it responded to the sight of rebel infantry forming again for yet another push at them by charging downhill with fixed bayonets, surprising and scattering the Confederates, thus ending the attack on the hill. The 20th Maine and the adjacent 83rd Pennsylvania together captured over 400 men from the 47th and 15th Alabama regiments.

Recent research has found claims by Lt. Holman S. Melcher that he initiated the charge, although Col. Chamberlain has been credited by most historians for ordering the desperate attack. This action is depicted in the novels "The Killer Angels", and "Courage on Little Round Top", and subsequently an important scene in the movie "Gettysburg".

Re: More on 20th Maine and Gettysburg

Well said men..... this unit hopefully depicks the fighting spirt of the ex American Natives. Chamberlain went home to become governor of Maine and an University President. Lt. Oberlin in the meantime returned home to run a milk route.

Re: More on 20th Maine and Gettysburg

And the cream rises to the top!

Re: More on 20th Maine and Gettysburg

I love you too Ted