Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Divisional Alignment

The voting turned out 6 to 5 in favor of a random selection for our divisions to be set up for the 2010 season.
This will be done in the same manor as the past two years. I will assign a letter (from A to L) to each team. Everyone, except Earl (OGBL Champion) will get an e-mail with the list of teams and the letter that they are.
Earl will then randomly put the letters in groups of 4, 1-4, 5-8, and 9-12. He will post them on our forum and it will show which division you are in.
I hope to have all of this done by the middle of this coming week, possibly sooner.

Re: Divisional Alignment

Earl... if it is of any help to you.... I like the letter O.

Re: Divisional Alignment

I'd like to buy a vowel!

Re: Divisional Alignment

Jimi,how many keepers ,it's still tied at 5 each.Don't like 6,I'm forced to keep someone I don't want.I don't think I'm alone with this.4-5-6 would make everyone happy.

Re: Keeper Vote - Ted

Ted, please read "2010 keepers" posted on 11-4 at 4:11 and the post on 11-3 at 4:40 (Bob's vote).
I too preferred the 4-5-6 choice, and the 4-5 choice on the second vote. But, the league voted in favor of 6.

Also, we do have a trading period coming up where it is possible to make a trade(s) that could actually strengthen your overall keeper list. Maybe a 1 for 2 or 1 for 3 trade?

Re: Keeper Vote - Ted

OK, here goes. Hope this all works out so that everyone is happy, and your team has a clear path to the super bowl.

RED--H, A, G, F


BLUE--J, I, C, L

Re: Keeper Vote - Ted

forgot about Bob's vote

Re: Keeper Vote - Ted

Teddy..don't disinfranchise me. LOL