Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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2010 Off Season Trading Period

The trading period will begin on November 21st and run for 10 weeks, ending on January 31st.
Trades can take place involving any players that are currently on an OGBL roster (including DL'ed players that were dropped at the end of the '09 season), although it wouldn't be a benefit to trade for players that are not eligible to be keepers or players that are not of keeper caliber. Owners do not have to keep all players that they have traded for.
Off Season trades do not need to be voted on by OGBL owners to be approved and do not cost anything.

Do not use the OGBL CBS League Home to make these trades. All trades will be done via e-mail or phone conversations between owners. Once a trade has been reached one of the owners will need to post it here on the OGBL forum, with the other owner confirming it with a reply to the post. I will then make note of this trade and it will become official.

Re: 2010 Off Season Trading Period

So jimi, if I wanted to offer a trade to someone, I should wait till Nov 21, or can I begin the email discussions sooner than that?

Re: 2010 Off Season Trading Period

Ray, you can start talking trades with other owners now if you like. The 21st is when they can start being announced and become official.
I'm hoping that CBS has launched the 2010 game by then. If so, I'm thinking we might be able to do our trades using our OGBL CBS League Home to do trades and trade requests.
Since we've never had off season trading before it is new to me as well as everyone else. I'll try to check into it.