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CBS took away the stats

The year players stats are all zeroes except for the total fantasy points

Re: CBS took away the stats

Ray, I just tried it and the stats are there. Look under "stats". I do know that they are in the process of archiving the 2009 season.
Maybe what you viewed was a temporary thing?

Re: CBS took away the stats

Very weird. Mine still shows zeroes in all columns except the last one which has total fantasy points.

Anybody else having this problem? I go to stats and click on all batters and get zeroes across the board.

The totals don't mean much without the stats.

Re: CBS took away the stats

Ray,yesterday all the stats were there today they are all zeros with a total.Fortunately I printed everything out before.

Re: CBS took away the stats

I've got all zeros also.

Re: CBS took away the stats

The stats can still be found. Go to Stats, then click on your team on the side of the page.

Re: CBS took away the stats

the team stats don't appear to be complete MLB stats, just what they did when they were in the team lineup, i think.

Re: CBS stats

Ray, guess you're right about that. To me those are the stats that count. But, I understand why you want to look at the yearly stats of all the players.
You can get those stats by going to MLB located right above our toolbar on our OGBL CBS League Home. Just click stats there.

Re: CBS stats

I know I'm getting old, but I swear that I used that page as a major resource when I was preparing for last season.

Jimi - Can u find out if that stat page gets restored at some point. I sent an email to CBS when I saw only zeroes and the quick automated response I got told me to check with the league commish. I submitted it anyway but, to date, have not received a reply.

Re: CBS stats

Ray, I think the stats will be back once the 2010 game is launched, around the 17th or 18th. Right now they are archiving the '09 season and some pages are changing.
I will go to the help section and see if I can get an answer.
Hey, wait a minute here. I just noticed that we're in the same division again. Maybe I should do more to hinder you when it comes to research.

Re: CBS stats

Fight nice, girls!

Re: CBS stats

The last 28 day stats are still there, so I gonna use those as my basis for next year. Joey Votto with 107 fantasy points is the overall batting leader. I gonna try to trade for him.

Re: CBS stats

Ray............IN YOUR DREAMS !!
20th Maine