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______________2008 - 2018______________

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Rule Changes for playoffs?

Jimi - Earlier in the year there were discussions about possible pitching rule changes for the playoffs.

Was there a decision made about that or is there going to be a future poll regarding playoff rules?

I'm already thinking about trade possibilities and the pitching playoff rules will factor into these decisions.

Re: Rule Changes for Playoffs?

You're right Ray, there was some talk about changing the rules for SP starts in our playoffs. We were thinking that teams with more SP starts had more of an advantage, but when the games were played out it didn't come out that way.
Infact, if you go back over the playoff games you will see that teams with less SP starts actually won more games. I'm not sure how that happened, maybe it was the Fantasy Baseball Gods looking out after the underdogs?
There is a change that will likely help owners, we will now have 10 SPs to choose from instead of 9.

On the subject of the Playoffs. I'm still considering adding a handicap system, but it wouldn't be much. Largest margin would be 11 points if #1 was playing #12. If #3 was playing #10 it would be 7 points. If #6 was playing #7 it would be 1 point.
I really feel that the teams with the better record deserves an edge, call it the "home field advantage".

Re: Rule Changes for Playoffs?


I thought that you wanted close games. Maybe you should give the points to the team with the worst record!