Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Trades posted?

Only a few folks put up their interests "on the block." Are the other folks standing pat or just not paying attention?

Re: Trades posted?

Standing pat; no baseball activity until Feb. here.

Re: Trades posted?

Barry - I think most of the owners really aren't thinking fantasy baseball just yet.

I usually am in to fantasy basketball this time of year, but some bad breaks and lousy picks derailed that diversion, this year.

Re: Trades posted?

Barry, as Jose has mentioned, some owners use the off season for other interests and such, a chance to get away from things after a long season. Plus some already have the players they want and aren't looking to trade.
The trading period runs for 10 weeks, up to January 31st. So, before it comes to an end, there could be more getting involved.
For me, as well as some of you, this IS our off season entertainment. I for one see this new off season trading as the "OGBL Hot Stove League".