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Trade question

Can a player be traded for draft pick or a swap of draft picks like in the NFL?

Re: Trade question

Excellent question barry. I thought about the same thing.

I doubt if CBS is set up switch one draft pick though.

Re: Trade question

No Barry, we're not quite that advanced. Although it is a good idea and it might happen in our league in the future, right now I wouldn't know how to figure it into our draft.
It sounds simple but it would become complicated as there is no options for this on the draft board. I will bring this up with the owner of Couchmanagers to see what it would take to add this to his site.

Re: Trade question

Jimi,I thought about this a long time ago & it really should be very easy.Ex.You trade player A for my player B.Your guy is better so I will give you my 3rd pick for your 5th pick.When it is my turn to pick you tell me who to pick,when it is your turn to pick,I tell you who I want & you pick him.When the draft is finished we switch players.As the season hasn't started yet there should not be a charge for this "trade".I realize this may be a little more work for you tho but it seems pretty simple.

Re: Trade question

Ted, oh how easy you make that sound. I think it could work, but one thing you are forgetting, that being, how our draft is run. It's not everyone sitting around in a room drafting, where something like that would be simple. Our draft is on the internet with everyone coming and going, sometimes taking hours between picks. There's already alot of waiting and I don't want to do anything that might add more. I feel that by trading picks around it could/would cause more confusion and more lost time in between picks.
You guys might not know this, but the draft is the hardest thing in our league that I have to do each year. And, truth is I'm not interested in adding any more confusion, questions, time, etc. to our draft.
If you're looking for a league with draft picks being traded, I don't think that you'll find it here. At least not for the 2010 draft.

Re: Trade question

I understand. You bear the brunt of making this league run and I am greatful for that. If it's a pain in the @$$ than I'm all for skipping it.

If you remember to recommend it to the site for possible future benifit that would be great.

I can see this coming... this year I have valuable players I was hoping to get something for before I had to cut them. Next time I will be the one with not enough keepers and getting arm-twisted to give up or down swap the pick for someone else's cuts.

Re: Trade question

Being we are starting our draft in round 7 we should have more time to get it done this year.

Re: Trade question - Ted

Ted, the time factor is one thing, the hassels are another. What I'm telling you is that it will cause confusion and more time trying to switch draft picks around.
For instance, if you traded rounds with another owner, you now have his pick and he has yours. Thing is you can not take the pick because only his computer/password can take that pick. This means we'd have to take extra steps to make this work. Believe me when I say this, There are enough steps to take with this draft as it is, and I don't want to add anymore.
I hope I can put this subject to rest. There's no draft pick trading this year. It will be looked into for possible use in the future.