Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Happy Thanksgiving

Just wanted to wish everyone of you a Happy Thanksgiving. Hope all of your travels are safe. I just got off work. I plan on sleeping a few hrs, then we are going to the Dallas area for the holidays. Good food, friends, football. What more could you ask for. Go Longhorns!! lol

Re: Happy Thanksgiving

Same to you Earl. Have a great Turkey Day!

Re: Happy Thanksgiving

Happy turkey day to all

Re: Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to all; I know I have a lot to be thankful for as I'm sure you all do too.

Re: Happy Thanksgiving

Let me echo those warm sentiments and wish all a healthy and enjoyable Thanksgiving Day.

Re: Happy Thanksgiving

Much to be thankful for... Happy Thanksgiving all..

p.s. My pet turkey says "Eat Chicken"

Re: Happy Thanksgiving

This was the worst Thanksgiving in recent memory. I couldn't sleep last night I was so upset about my favorite league having trades. Not sure I want to cough up $70 to be in a league that allows trades. I would miss the closest friends that I have in any fantasy baseball league. But the jury is out if it is worth it.

Re: Happy Thanksgiving

Say it ain't so - - Bobby don't go!!

U said it yourself that this is your favorite league and rightfully so. We have 12 trustworthy and baseball savvy men who all want to win with honor.

I for one am looking forward to another season of healthy competition. Having to match wits with you in the same league is going to be an arduous task, but looking forward to that, as well.

Anyway, just wanted to let you know that I consider you a definite "keeper" as I'm sure the others will agree.

Re: Happy Thanksgiving

Bob,with the 6 keepers you have you don't have to make a trade.Things may look good on paper but you have to do it on the field.Look at what happenened to Webb last year,this year he may be lights out for you.And you can't leave because you are the only one older than me.

Re: Happy Thanksgiving

Thank you to Ray and Ted (and of course Jimi). Jimi I appreciate your setting up the poll and it shows that I am one man on an island. I am old enough to realize that if everyone but me thinks red and I think blue.. I am probably wrong and red is the correct answer. So I will hop on the bandwagon and be a good looser. I can't give up my closest friends I have in fantasy baseball even though I would never join a league that permits trading as I have witnessed so much callusion in my forty plus years of baseball. Nothing recks a good league faster than two guys throwing there teams together to make one great team and then split the winnings at years end. (for the record I was so upset over this that I needed to take two sleeping pills last night..... with the poll, I am over it !!!)

Re: Happy Thanksgiving

Glad your staying on board Bob. I wasn't sure about the trading thing either at first, but since we can't trade during the season, it makes what you described much more unlikely. In some leagues, you do have guys that will try to use collusion to win a lg, but not being able to trade during the season will "NIX" that lol, and also I don't think this bunch would do that anyway.

Everyone probably has at least 3 players that they don't want to part with, so were probably only talking a few players that anyone would trade for anyway.

Again, glad your still with us.