Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Greetings from the new guy/rookie

Thanks to Jimi and the rest of the league for the invite. I know its a good league from the list of names I recognize, and from what Earl has said the past year.

I am working on the team name, but have indeed been busy with the family at Thanksgiving and, in a shocking turn of events, have already pulled off a blockbuster trade with the Big Red One! I think we both will benefit from the trade of Ryan Howard (to him) for Adrian Gonzalez & Bobby Abreu (to me.) I hope it makes my weak outfield stronger without giving up too much. Time will tell.

Re: Greetings from the new guy/rookie

Good hearing from you Mark. Once again, welcome to our league!

Re: Greetings from the new guy/rookie

Welcome aboard buddy. I like the trade. I think u made a good deal.

Re: Greetings from the new guy/rookie

Welcome, I guess. lol. After looking at the available team, and seeing how good it looked, I started not to tell you about it, and ask Jimi if I could have it. haha. Seriously, welcome and good luck. (not that you need any)