Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Raise your hand ...

if you are already tired of hearing the Blue Jay's want an arm and a leg for Halladay (like last year, too) but no one is willing to give them that much. I'm betting on he stays in Toronto.

Re: Raise your hand ...

I'm not sure on this one. You know that the Red Sox are trying to keep up with the Yankees. They could be the ones that will overpay for him?

Re: Raise your hand ...

He's 32 so I don't see the Yankees trying to get him but that would make them unbeatable.They have a few good arms on that team but Hughes is off limits.

Re: Raise your hand ...

They made a mistake when they didn't trade last summer; he'll be gone to another team before ST starts.