Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Hey all

Back from the "vacation", it's always nice to see the family but, well, glad to be back.

Welcome "new team" - Mark. Welcome "back" Bob and interesting trades, I hope it makes everyone enjoy the season that much more.

Looking forward to the rest of the preseason tasks, it's a nice distraction from work.

Speaking of, I just got a new gig within the company which means I get to be very busy and more importantly, keep my employment since my current department closes in 2 weeks. I will be working a more traditional schedule which means you won't see as many 2:00am posts :)

So, back to the grind - Mark, who are you drafting first?

Re: Hey all

Welcome back, bro.

Glad to hear that your work related life is all in order. Now, U can get back to the more important fantasy issues.

Re: Hey all

Good to hear that things are working out on your job situation. As Ray mentioned, now you can start concentrating on more serious matters.

Re: Hey all

Kelly,I'm happy for you & the family.It's not healthy out there right now.My stepson just got here Sun.from Latvia.He's 33 college grad & hasn't had a job in over a year.He can't get a work visa either.All we can do is keep trying to find someway to keep him here.He can stay up to 6 months then has to return or he can't come back for 10 years,yet the mexicans keep coming across the border.