Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Hate to see Bay w/ Mets. I was hoping he would be last cog in making Seattle a really good team.

Re: bay

Well Barry, I don't think anyone hates it more than me. After watching Wright try to hit in that new park, I didn't really want to own any Mets. So I trade Wright and end up with Bay now a Met, NOT what I was looking for.

Re: bay

Trade at your own risk Jimi. A VERY HAPPY AND HEALTHY 2010 TO EACH OF YOU !!!

Re: bay

Jimi,Bay hit many more HRs on the road than Fenway so your trade still looks good.Time will tell.

Re: bay

Yeah, Trades are more of a risk than not. Knowing that Bay was a FA had entered my mine, but I really believed that he would be resigned by Boston. As it turns out, he's now a Met and I gotta get used to it.
With Bay added to the lineup and if their stars stay healthy it could be good for both Ray and myself.

Re: bay

For Sure that trade will HELP both you and Ray. Ron and I just have to suck it up and try to compete as best we can.