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______________2008 - 2018______________

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1st Hit

The new year just started and it looks like Ron's Air Force 1 took the "1st Hit" before even spring training started with today's news on Carlos Beltran knee op. Sorry, Ron. Guess you're be looking for another keeper.

Re: 1st Hit

I wouldn't be so fast to say that Beltran isn't a keeper. It depends on who else you have on your roster to keep.
Right now the word is he'll be back the first part of May, which means he'll have lots of games left.
I remember last year at this time it was Utley and ARod that were going to miss the first part of the season, and look how that turned out.
But Jose, you are right, it's the first "hit" of the season.

Re: 1st Hit

May make my decission on keepers easier.. I had to choose between 7 I like... Sure glad I didn't trade off Youkilis yet...

Beltrans speed is definitly gone now and there are other power hitter his equal...