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______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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The Rest of the Story!

I'm sure most of you remember the late Paul Harvey who always broadcast interesting facts we didn't know.The other day Bob posted that Joe D.had married Marilyn on Jan.15 but did you know the actual reason for her death?She committed suicide on Aug.4th,1962 the same day Joanie & I were married.Apparently there was a note on the bedside table that said because Teddy was no longer available she had nothing to live for.The kennedy people destroyed the note so he wouldn't be implicated.I've kept this quiet all this time but since Kennedy died I felt it was time the truth came out.

Re: The Rest of the Story!

Wow ... the truth is finally out. First Deep Throat come clean after 40 years and now this. Will any of life's misters remain?

Re: The Rest of the Story!

Ted.... Which Ted are we talking about here? You, Kennedy, or the Splended Splinter (now there is a guy who wasn't on Roids)