Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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J. Moyer

I believe 300 wins has gotten everyone into HOF. Maybe there are some back in the 1890s that it did not, but since the 5 man rotation came about, it has. Jamie Moyer has 258 W's in 23 years and is planning to pitch this year. If he continues at the pace he has been going lately he just might hit 300 in 3 years at age 50. Hard to believe he would be an SP at age 50 but I see little reason to assume that he will not be able to do what he did at age 47 still at age 50.

He would be the ultimate complier, 300 W's in 26 years. You think he would be voted in?

Re: J. Moyer