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______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Tell someone you love them ...

My sister-in-law tried to commit suicide on Tuesday. Thanks to a lot of prayer and some good doctors they were able to save her. It was the second time. Depression is real. If you or someone you know has it, seek help before it is to late.

Re: Tell someone you love them ...

BRO..may the good Lord be with you and your family at a time like this. You have to do all you can to show love and concern and then pray for the best. Not that it changes anything but is she bi-polar?

Re: Tell someone you love them ...

BRO: Our thoughts and prayers are with your family; let's hope she can get better.

Re: Tell someone you love them ...

GOD has a reason she is still here,her family & friends must find a way to get her to believe that.Think positive.

Re: Tell someone you love them ...

bobo ... no she is not bi-polar.

Her main problem is my wife's brother is screwed up. He believes her depression is a sign of his weakness so he throws away her meds and verbally abuses her all the time for even considering that this is not just a matter of her being weak minded.

Re: Tell someone you love them ...

Barry.... that is extra sad. Best to you and your family. I have no answers to that situation.