Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Rules mis-stated?

Jimi, the rules on CBS site say:

"Owners may do trades.
• No trades can be made after the trade deadline of 11:59 pm et 5/28/10.
(click here to set a reminder)
• Owners may not make trades during the offseason."

Isn't that backwards? It says there is trading during season but none during off-season.

Re: Rules mis-stated?

Barry, what you found was the CBS part of the rules. Somehow a couple of the settings were reverted back to last years settings, I believe this happened when I did the online payment for the 2010 season just a few days ago. Thanks for bringing it to my attention, as I will go over the rest of the CBS rules to see if anything else needs to be updated. Do not put anything into where it says "Owners May Not Do Add/Drops". That is set like that for now but will be changed to allow owners to do one pre-season Add/Drop between Monday, March 29th to Saturday, April 3rd. There will be NO player moves on Sunday, April 4th as it is Opening Night and week 1 has already begun.
I will be reminding everyone more than a few times about April 4th. Last year I did and we still had someone make a move on Opening Day, April 5th.
This year I might just change the setting back to "Owners May Not Do Add/Drops" to save having that problem.
Whenever in doubt of the rules, just go to the OGBL League Constitution where you most likely find the correct updated rules of the league.

Re: Rules mis-stated?

Thank goodness Jimi doesn't have a 2000 page set of league rules & giving us 3 days to read it.Yesterday was a great day for America.I may draft Scott Brown.Plus our Republican Governor Chris Christie was sworn in yesterday.