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Blockbuster Trade

I don't know who got the better deal, but i do know that Yankee Doodles & Socks Nation just made the "mother" of all trades.

Re: Blockbuster Trade

I heard that a big trade might be in the works. It can't get much bigger than this one!
It must of been hard for both the Doodles and the Socks to let go of what they had, but if you then look at what they got, I'm sure both are pretty happy about this trade.

Re: Blockbuster Trade

Big edge to Jose but don't know who he will dump & not sure of Brian's 6th keeper either.Jose looking to field all Yankee team.

Re: Blockbuster Trade

This a blockbuster - spelled - B L O C K B U S T E R.

Blockhead Trades

If you have the time, go to our CBS League Home, under the transaction section click on Pujols, or ARod and check how often they are getting traded in CBS leagues.
Some are hard to believe. Like today someone did a one for one trade, Josh Vitters for Pujols. I see on the 16th someone traded Asdrubal Cabrera straight up for Pujols.
ARod was traded yesterday straight up for Travis Hafner!

I gotta wonder what kind of leagues those are?

Re: Blockhead Trades

Jimi... I won't even mention what that proves !!!

Re: Blockhead Trades

Could you please mention it. In your mind what does it prove?

Re: Blockhead Trades

Jimi.... I reluctantly reply to your request. Why? Because number one I promised to bury the subjet and number two eleven other guys in this league think I am kooky on the subject of trades.

Now these trades will not happen in the OGBL simply because Jimi has gathered eleven solid men to play this game as a joy to all of us. But early in my fantasy days I saw a lot of this and promised myself I would not feel the pain of a league that allows trading.

Here's what can and does happen in those public leagues:
1. Every league usually has a few teams battling for first prize by the time of All Star Break.
2. Lets say you are in first place a few points ahead of team X. Because of stupidity or collusion some yo yo, who is out of the running trades his Albert Pujols to team X for his Josh Vitters. Or even worse yet some other idiot also trades to team X ARod for Travis Hafner at about the same time.
3. You are not going to win the first prize in that league and it is no fault whatsoever of your own making. You just got screwed. Maybe because Yo Yo and team X were good friends and they deceided to quietly "pool" their best players into one team and then split the pot at the end of the year.

NOW I REPEAT.... this wouldn't happen in our league because of the quality of the leadership and of the members of the OGBL. But as we all know Shit Happens and we don't all view a trade the same.

ALSO... I really didn't want to write this. I want to keep my promises.

Can't wait to start the drafting process, I have my ducks in order.

Good Luck to all !!

Re: Blockhead Trades

Thus, another argument for Jimi's "no in-season trading" rule. Everytime I see trades like those mentioned, I just dismiss them, because they are obviously made by those just trying to prevent someone from winning, as Bob said, or are just plain stupid. Either way, that's why I play in an ADULT lg, not one for 4th graders. :^)

Re: Blockhead Trades

Well Bob, you got the chance to get it out and it was well said. Thanks for the reply.
Personally, I've never been in a league that ever had a one sided trade, the only public leagues I've ever played were at cdm.
We don't have anything to worry about here as we have 12 competitive owners who would never throw in the towel. Being that we are a keeper league also adds to the stability of our teams. We always have next season to think about!