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______________2008 - 2018______________

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OGBL Owner B-Day

Brian Nix, owner of the Socks Nation turns 36 today.
Happy Birthday Brian

Re: OGBL Owner B-Day

Have a great day Brian. Wow, you're OLD !!!

Re: OGBL Owner B-Day

Happy Birthday Brian! Hope you are having a great day. Good luck on the upcoming season. I hope you get 2nd place. :^)

Re: OGBL Owner B-Day

Happy Birthday Brian....

Re: OGBL Owner B-Day

Happy Birthday Brian.... hope you did something fun !!
In two years you will be half as old as I am.

Re: OGBL Owner B-Day

happy bday bud

Re: OGBL Owner B-Day

Happy late B-day! Now that you are older and wiser ...approve the trafe!

Re: OGBL Owner B-Day

Happy B-Day Brian & many more.In March I'll be double your age.Ouch! But then Bob still has me by a few.

Re: OGBL Owner B-Day

Thanks guys for the B-day wishes. I had a good time, on Friday and Sat nites. Trying to recover today. Im trying to catch up to you older guys in age so I can be wiser and make better draft choices. Looking forward to the draft and baseball starting up again.

Re: OGBL Owner B-Day

Try to hold on to ur youth for as long as u can.

Don't be like my son, who has been trying to catch up to me.

When he was 10, I was 40 and 4X as old.
When he was 15, I was 45 and 3X as old.

Next year he will be 30 and I will be 60 and only 2X as old.

It's just a matter of time before he catches up with me.