Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Who's birthday today? It just so happens that on this day, back in 1952, yours truly was born. Adding another year to the total now makes me 58.

Re: OGBL B-Day

Happy Birthday Jimi! Hope you have a great day. Thanks for a great league, and all the hard work you do here.

Re: OGBL B-Day

Happy B'Day, bro. thought we were the same age. looks like i have a year and a couple of months on u.

I think I read somewhere that like 27 seems to be the breakout year for baseball players, 58 is the breakout year for fantasy baseball players.

Re: OGBL B-Day

Yeah, Happy, happyt Birthday Jimi..

Can't believe you are still a youngster here amongst all us old guys. Stay young, enjoy life and play ball..

Re: OGBL B-Day

You're a BABY next to some of us. Hope you had a wonderful day and many, many more.

Re: OGBL B-Day

I thank each of you for your well wishes. My day was pretty much the same, ...well, maybe at work. But at home I received a bunch of B-Day cards and some very nice B-Day messages from good friends and family. Present company included. I still get the special feelings every February 4th.

Re: OGBL B-Day

IT'S still your birthday so I'm not late.I can't match the b-day card above but you know my best wishes come from the heart.

Re: OGBL B-Day

Today is my stepson's B-day,34.He's heading home to Latvia Sun.we head to Fla.Tues.I'm set until the 20th of March.

Re: OGBL B-Day

Sorry Jimi... I am a pound short and a day late, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY never the less. I spent yesterday morning drafting in a free CBS league just for the hell of it. I had the second pick and took Albert, believe it or not some idiot took Manny with the first pick. Thank God we don't have those guys in the OGBL. A lot of slum talking in that public league. I know it will make me appreciate OGBL and Fanball all the more !! If any of you want to spy the league is called show time and my team is Six Pack - CBS.