Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Breaking News

For those of you who happen to read this, here's some news on the OGBL Keepers.
This weekend I will be sending out a group e-mail, in this message I will be instructing all the owners on how to turn in their 6 keeper list.

Here's what it will say;

On Friday, February 12th I will be sending you all my 6 keeper list. In return, I want each of you to send me yours. If you won't be able to do this on the 12th or 13th, please send me your list at an earlier date. Once I receive all 12 keeper lists I will then place them onto our draft on CouchManagers. I'm hoping everyone returns their list by the 13th. If they do I will be able to show all of you our draft through the first six rounds.

What you need to do between now and the 12th is go to CouchManagers (listed on the OGBL website), get registered if you haven't yet. Then go to the main Baseball page and find the OGBL draft called "2010 OGBL" listed under "Custom Drafts".
There you will sign into your draft number slot. You can join the draft under any username you have, but once you're signed in please edit it to your team name (please, no joking around with your team name). Once I have all 12 teams I will then proceed filling the first 6 rounds. I'll then "pause" it until draft day (Feb 26th or 27th) arrives.
I'd like to have this done by the 14th. If you're not sure of your draft number, go to the OGBL website, it's on the front page.


For those reading this, the draft isn't setup quite yet, but will be before the e-mail goes out this weekend.

Re: Breaking News

Thanks Jimi

Re: Breaking News

I forgot the password

Draft is Ready

If you are ready to enter the OGBL 2010 Draft, it is ready to go.

Go to CouchManagers, find the Custom Draft section, click on "OGBL 2010 - A League of Our Own". Password is FLAG

Remember to sign into the proper draft slot and to use your OGBL team name. Please use the "Edit Team Name" if it is different than your CM login name.