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______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Jersey Cartel PLAYS BALL...

With another big snow storm coming in tomorrow the Cartel will have plenty of fresh snowballs to PLAY BALL with.. Duck if you dare....

Re: Jersey Cartel PLAYS BALL...

That's not fair. You guys in the northeast don't have to spend these days washing your cars, mowing the yard, painting the house, shoot, some of you are probably even having some snow days off from work. All of that extra time you guys get to work on your fantasy teams is not fair to the rest of us. It's just not fair.

Actually I feel for you guys. I know I'm ready for the warmer spring days, I can't imagine what you guys are going through. Just stay in and think baseball.

Re: Jersey Cartel PLAYS BALL...

Earl.... have you not heard...LIFES NOT FAIR.

Re: Jersey Cartel PLAYS BALL...

Earl: I would rather be washing the car, mowing the lawn, etc. than shoveling 18 inches of snow.

Re: Jersey Cartel PLAYS BALL...

Well, guess what? SNOW in Texas!! I've got 4-6" here, most I can remember. We usually get just icy stuff. Really pretty. My brother Mark, and my daughter at Dallas have around 9". Weird for us. Must be all that global warming thing Al Gore was talking about. he's a genius. haha

Re: Jersey Cartel PLAYS BALL...

Jimi says he doesn't censor this site so Earl has to brag about his 4 to 6 inches.I'm back!

Re: Jersey Cartel PLAYS BALL...

Ted, your so funny. Shouldn't you be studying your baseball? You need to find the next Chris Davis.

Re: Jersey Cartel PLAYS BALL...

Earl,he's all yours