Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Countdown is On!!

The date is now official, our draft will begin on Friday, February 26th. The time is yet to be determined, but will be before next Saturday.
That gives us 12 days before we start. I'd like everyone to start thinking where they are at in the order. Find out who is around you and look into their working hours, online hours, etc. Knowing this does help make for a smoother, more flowing draft.
It would be nice to at least complete the first round on day one. Getting two or three rounds in would be even better.
Last year the draft started on Feb. 28th and ran to March 6th. We had 3 keepers and went 25 rounds making it 22 rounds of drafting. This season it is 6 keepers and 27 rounds, so we are drafting 21 rounds.

Draft position 11 hours of operation

I'm East Coast. So far I can get the draft site from work which last year was blocked by the LAN software. Hopefully that will continue. Assuming it does, I'm at work 6:30 AM ET and leave at 5:00 PM. I will be online from home about 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM, too.

Re: Draft position 11, hours of operation

Very good Barry! Now, may I ask this, what happens at 9:00 PM on Friday nights? :^)

Re: Draft position 11, hours of operation

Hey ... when you get as old as me you will know. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Re: Draft position 11, hours of operation

Barry, the age thing doesn't work in this league.

Re: Draft position 11, hours of operation

He's still a kid,right,Bob?

Re: Draft position 11, hours of operation

True Ted.... but some peeps age earlier than other peeps.