Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Screwed ...

The wife planned a dinner out with friends for tonight and didn't tell me until now. I will not be able to make my pick(s) until 10 or 11 ET.

I don't want to set a queue because who I want on my first pick will be impacted by how many SP or OF are "running" for the 10 picks before me.

PS: Any chance we could start an hour or two earlier? Maybe I could get my picks 11 and 14 overall before I go out if other folks are available and ready to pick?

Re: Screwed ...

Sorry Barry, but changing the starting wouldn't work. We've already got it set and everyone is planning on that time. With that thought, it won't make it to you as some won't be getting online to until 7:00 ET. At least you're at the back and you won't be holding up the first round. Maybe you can use your friends computer?
BTW, didn't you already have your plans first? In the end it will all work out, just do your best to get back as soon as you can.
PS - Didn't you mention earlier that you had a 9 o'clock bedtime