Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Rule enhancement suggestion

I was reading some of the NFBC rules for the online and live events and came across a rule that might be useful and appreciated in this league. The rule states:

NFBC team owners are allowed to switch out any hitter (or hitters) from their starting lineup and replace him with a hitter from their reserve roster on Fridays by 5 minutes before the scheduled start time of the first game of the day as long as position eligibility for their team remains legal.

I saw the same rule for pitchers.

The deadlines are normally Monday or 5 minutes before the first game but it appears they have a special deadline for DL players so you can at least get a few points for the weekend.

What's the feeling from others on this rule? I don't even know if it's possible with CBS but I kinda like the idea.


Re: Rule enhancement suggestion

CBS doesn't offer this. Their options are weekly or daily lineup changes only.