Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Did anyone have a plan?

Last year, my plan went out the window right from the start and I ended up picking the best available players.

This year, I stuck to my plan to fill out my starting offense first then fill my pitching staff with the best available in the middle rounds.

I stuck to my guns in the face of quality pitching leaving the board soo early in the draft.

Not sure if I made the right move. Only time will tell, i guess.

Any body else care to share if they had a plan and if they stuck to it?

Re: Did anyone have a plan?

Ray... I chose to save my infield plus Ellsbury. Gave some thought to keeping Cliff Lee and Gallardo and taking my chances at SS and 1B. But SS drops off so fast and I am in love with Joey Votto so I shit canned the pitchers. My plan was to try to get four strong pitchers that could be used in single start weeks and with the other six spots try to have three double starters each week. That left me with a weak outfield, so I threw extra picks at the outfield. Didn't worry about back up's for the infield figureing if someone got hurt the waiver wire might be as good as someone I got with the 21st or so pick. Then with my last three picks I went with rookies mainly because they could be the future or if they don't make the club out of spring training I can stash them in the Minor League slots. Not sure the plan will work, but that is why we play the games.

Re: Did anyone have a plan?

My BIG PLAN was to take Markakis, fill my 3rd base, then concentrate on OF and SP. I wanted Beckham or Young at 3rd, and got Young. Cuddyer was my next OF pick because he can back up 1st and play OF or DH. My big screw-up was picking Aardsma (even though I like him) in the 12th. I had J Bruce or McLouth ready to go, or a SS. The two OFs got picked and I was afraid a run was about to get started on RP's. Not sure why I was worried about that!?! Still not sold on the SS's I could have gotten there. I hope one of my best picks will be Soto in the 14th. If Furcal has anything left in the tank, I just might have a good team!

Re: Did anyone have a plan?

Kept my IF but was still hoping to get Beckman in 14th slot to DH and backup. Thought if he made the 11th slot Texas already had a 3B, 2B and DH so I could take him on the way back in round 8. Didn't work. Jimi grabbed him.

I decided that we were drafting 120 SP or effectly all teams' 1 through 4. On the other hand, we were only drafting 36 OF plus some as DH. Therefore it seemed wise to work the SP early because there should be better OF available late than SP. I stuck with it, but only time will tell if it worked. OF is very anemic. Glad HR are 2 pts not 4!

Re: Did anyone have a plan?

I needed pitching help & went with the 2 best available imo.Kept Hamels last yr as 1 of my 3,dropped him & got him back in 8th round.Wanted either Johnson or Kershaw who I got as my 1st pick.Sanchez was a good pick in 12th round & Andy as my 5th starter isn't bad if he stays healthy.Rest of the pitching staff questionable.

Re: Did anyone have a plan?

I have to say I was hoping to get some early pitching slots filled and am pretty happy with JJ and Burnett picks. Most probably thought I would go with Zobrist but thought I could do well with a 2b pick late. I kept just missing on the guy I wanted though and kept waiting until finally filling it.

My only "panic pick" was Suzuki. I haven't had a good or regular catcher since we started this league.

I've never drafted a closer early but really wanted Broxton - hoping he can continue doing what he does.

I had a list of prospect picks and they all went 1-2 rounds early. I'm not surprised but it goes to show if you want Heyward, Straz, Feliz, Chapman, etc - you need to be aggresive in drafting them with this group. I'm pretty happy with the one prospect - Smoak - I hope he gets the call sooner rather than later. I guess we all have to wait until those arbitration dates go by these days..except maybe Heyward, he may be here soon -nice pick Mark.

So that's the only mild plan I had, pick pitching and try to avoid the 5-inning types and go for more guys like Danks and Dempster. Of course I got a couple of 5-inning guys anyway even a no-inning guy in Richmond!

Re: Did anyone have a plan?

Since I kept my whole infield and DH, I planned to go with SP and OF early. I thought about the 120 SP and 30 OF picks that was mentioned earlier, but just picked SP/OF alternating for few rds. I should have went SP/SP, as the pitchers were really leaving the board early. 13 SP went in the first 2 rds! I for one was not to happy with my draft. It may still pan out, but only time will tell.

Re: Did anyone have a plan?

Plan? What plan... I have realized it is not possible to plan with this elite group...

Re: Did anyone have a plan?
