Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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Keeper To Miss Opening Week?

Air Force 1 has lost starting catcher Russell Martin for a 4-6 week period making him a big question mark for week #1. AF1 does have John Baker in reserve.

Re: Keeper To Miss Opening Week?

wow, I'm reading about a lot of injuries tonite.

Re: Keeper To Miss Opening Week?

They will be dropping like flies.

Re: Keeper To Miss Opening Week?

I told my keepers they have to play, there are no back up except at first base and outfield.


Looks like it was my turn to get hit by a major injury. I keep telling myself, it's part of the game.

Re: Ouch!

Tough break Jimi. Especially being a keeper. I was thinking about your bad luck, when a leaguemate in another lg reminded me that I have Nathan in that lg. Fortunately for me, we have not declared our keepers yet. Doubt I will be keeping him.

Re: Ouch!

Ouch! Maybe the rest is all he will need.

Re: Ouch!

You are probably right Barry. But, I have a feeling it's going to be at least a 12 month rest.