Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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What is the procedure for our 1 ST add/drop? I forgot if order of claims vs day put in etc.

Re: add/drop

The OGBL pre-season waiver wire begins on Monday, March 29th and runs to Saturday, April 3rd. Each team is allowed one Add/Drop, no DL or Minor League moves can be made until week #1 has begun! Any DL or ML move made during this pre-season waiver period will be reversed. So please pay attention when making this waiver claim.

The claim order is the same as the draft order, beginning with the Salem Cruisers. Wavier claims on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday will get their results around 1:00 AM EDT on Thursday. Waiver claims put in on Thursday will get them at 1:00 AM EDT Friday. Claims put in on Friday will get them at 1:00 AM EDT on Saturday, Claims put in on Saturday will get them at 1:00 AM EDT on Sunday.
There will be NO waiver moves on Sunday as it is Opening Day! Any claim put in on Sunday (results at 1:00 AM Monday) will be reversed.
The regular season waiver wire runs the same way as the pre-season with the exception of Sunday, where you can make claims on Sunday.

Re: add/drop

"The claim order is the same as the draft order, beginning with the Salem Cruisers." That stinks. That means I'm last. lol

Re: add/drop

Earl, see what you get for winning the championship!

Once the season starts, you can try to move up the waiver wire list if you like

Re: add/drop

WOW Can I have Barry's or Earl's leftovers? Their teams look pretty good to be contemplating a drop.