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Live from Spring Training

Hey guys,

Got to catch the Whitesox/Dodgers day game today and the Mariners/Rangers Evening game.

Ted, Peavy looked good, Dodgers only mustered something like 4 hits all day. The sun was getting to me so I don't remember all the details but remember Loney had the only bomb and run scored.

The M's game was a bit more lively... for Texas. Hamilton looks to be fine and Cruz's 2 bombs were just how a remember his at-bats going.. swinging at a pitch in the dirt, on way inside and then connecting for the homerun ball. I can't imagine they will give him those pitches once the season starts.

Chris looking good with his 2 hr's also and Smoak making it interesting the night before. A battle to watch for sure.

The highlight of the day was showing up 20 minutes late to the M's game with the intention of getting the grass cheap seats. Found out they just released some behind home plate seats and ended up 4 rows back jabbering with Ken Griffey Jr while on deck. They pretty much had the regular line-up today. And just to make in authenic, Bradley even got thrown out. Not a bad day, not at all :)

Alright, it's late and I've got 7 more games to attend in the next 5 days!


Re: Live from Spring Training

Kelly,we are all envious.Where are you?Thanks for the info on Jake.I really haven't paid much attention to spring training except CBS update daily.I also check injuries & see Roberts just got an epidural.Didn't know he was pregnant.

Re: Live from Spring Training

Thanks for the "live" update Kelly. I happen to catch the TEX-SEA game MLBN and was wondering if you were there.
If I had thought about it, I would've given you a call.

Re: Live from Spring Training

Great coverage.. Thanks for the report...