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______________2008 - 2018______________

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Live from ST part 2

We knew going into today the "B" squad would be playing the Rockies (vs. the M's) because all the regulars played last night on TV and all.

That being said, the M's looked bad today but I felt good about my Rockies pick - Garlos Gonzalez. Some nice AB's from him.

Other than that, not much baseball to report but got to see the Huskies play an exciting game against Marquette. I'm a Cougar fan myself but good luck UW!

Catch you all later...


Re: Live from ST part 2

Hey Kapt Kelly... before Ted gets on your case it is Carlos not Garlos. LOL LOL thanks for the reports. Love to go to spring training, Pat and I did it three times in the first four years of retirement, so much fun !!