Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

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ST update part III

We just got barely shut out of the Giants game, was the 3rd guy back when the "sold out" cry happened. Didn't know the stadium was so small and didn't stick around for scalpers, etc. Went back for some NCAA action (Go Zags!) and went online this time for M's tix at Goodyear.

No problem with capacity at Goodyear but the M's sucked again. That makes 4 runs scored in 3 games. Drew Stubbs looked like a star tonight and Apeman shut us down for 5 innings. It's too bad Fister got taken out so early.

Milton Bradley was in mid-season form though, second ejection in the last 2 games we saw in less than 3 innings. I'm telling you though, the 9th time is a charm lol!

Pace slows down now with family and friends involved. Probably a game a day with Angels an upcoming game....


Re: ST update part III

Thanks for the report Kapt. Kelly. I better get Milton Bradley into my opening day line up, sounds like he and Cliffie Lee have their game faces on ! !
Nice report on Harang as well, I am hopeing the late round pick bounces back to the old APEMAN form. Are the rest of you "stay at home baseballers" getting warmed up for opening day???

Re: ST update part III

I'm warming up. THE SNOW IS FINALLY GONE! We had snow on the yard every day from 12/18 to last week. Never saw anything like that in DC. Remember, in the Revolutionary times, the Brith got Jungle pay to come to this area. We rarely very get one serious snow, but this year we had 3 snows of around 20 inches each.