Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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ST part V

Finaley! The M's scored more runs today than all the other games we have been to combined. And since I'm talking 4-0, that's not much. Not much to report other than Felix looked awesome. Stood behind home plate in the isle (they let you do that) and that breaking ball was sick.

About to head out to see some friends and then tomorrow is the Los Angeles Anehiem Angels of Pasadena of California by Disneyland or whatever they are called now.

Go M's!

Re: ST part V

I tried to update the part "V" to part "IV". I did something like this yesterday too and I can't update a "locked thread". Jimi, FYI on this....

Re: ST part V

I checked, I see no lock on these messages. Are you talking about editing after the message has been posted? If so, I do it from time to time without any problems.