Old Glory Baseball League Forum


______________2008 - 2018______________

Old Glory Baseball League Forum
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DL List

It is unreal how many of our players probably will start the season on the DL. I trust each of us has several. My latest word is that Webb, Cliff Lee will be on the DL and Dan Hudson will start in AAA ( which is a good thing ) however, my replacement RP was Kerry Wood and he is now out for a couple of months. You don't want to own him in any format. Oh, how I love this game of baseball..... never a dull moment.

Re: DL List

Bob - Our division seems to have all taken a hit or two. Haven't compared the other divisions, but I think ours is the worst hit.

Re: DL List

Yep, injuries are something that we all try to avoid. The thing is it can happen to any player at any time, out of the blue you lose one of your top players.
I can see the DL being used by some of us come week #1.

Reminder to anyone with a player that will start the season on the DL. You can not place him on your DL until the season has started and he must be on the MLB DL.

Re: DL List

maybe we should tweak the DL limit a little. How bout from 2 to like 20.

Re: DL List

The DL max is 3. Minor League is 2.

Re: DL List

OMG it is 3. i forgot from last year. my bad